Organizing my life

I just spent the last day or so organizing. I was reading Getting Things Done on the bus on the way home from work yesterday evening, and I got to the chapter about organizing all your papers and decided that I needed to start immediately. So, on the way home, I stopped by a stationary store and bought a bunch of hanging folders and a holder and started immediately after I got home.

First I pulled out everything. We had papers everywhere. In the kitchen in a box on the counter, in a drawer on my desk, in shelves, stuck in books, etc. etc. I got it all out and started sorting. At first Ana was a bit crazy because the house is so small it's been chaos. But when I found our tax papers and our other important documents and was able to organize them into their own folders, she warmed up to the whole exercise. I also cleaned out the shelves and drawers in the kitchen, threw out old magazines, cleaned up one of our shelving units and more. I just brought down three huge bags of garbage! It feels great. it took a while, but it was worth it.

Now that I've done this, however, I need to get to my "to do" list, which is actually not a to do list anymore, but an "actions" list where I've written things I that I'm going to do. I'm also using my Palm now as a calendar and got it all synced up (we'll see how long that lasts... I'm not one for good habits).

The next step is the bedroom - I need to organize my clothes and swap out the Summer stuff for Winter stuff and get rid of some stuff that I never wear. I need to wait for the kid to wake up from his evening nap first...

Then I can get back on the computer and play some more. Oh boy!


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