Four fourths without a Fourth.

You can tell I'm in a good mood today, hey? Bleh.

Anyways, happy July Fourth to the Americans on Friday. You might be taking off early for a long weekend so I better say it now... The 4th is my favorite holiday. From fun memories of pool parties at my Aunt's house when we were kids to roof-top gatherings in San Francisco on top of Russian Hill to watch simultaneous fireworks displays from all over the Bay. Such a fantastic holiday. Summer - as you know - is my favorite time of year and July Fourth is *the* summer holiday.

Even the year I helped my brother - who's brother-in-law owns a fireworks company - set up for the big 4th show starting at 6 a.m. and lasting all day until 10 minutes before the show stared at 10 p.m. only to continue until 2 a.m. afterwards getting everything shut down was pretty fun - and that sucked. Independence day just rocks.

Life of course is funny like that and this weekend will mark my fourth fourth without a Fourth. Bleh.


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