What's Next WAVs!

I just noticed the second audioblog from Harold Gilchrist!! He created it on Friday night but I didn't noticed it until just now so I feel bad. It says "Link to Russ" and before I had passed over it thinking it was a link back to my home page, but today for some reason I noticed it had a different audioblog post, so I listened to it!

Hey Harold! The weather in Madrid today is damn hot. Over 40C/100F in the shade earlier, though I'm sure it's cooled down to say, 90F now that it's the evening! Sorry I didn't listen to the post it before...

I forgot to tell you that I played with Radio Userland and yes indeed it has limitations on the type of file you can upload! If you go to the the weather report using Radio (have Radio running to see that link) you'll see that Userland restricts the type and size of files that it'll upload to its servers. However, if you're using Radio to upstream to a non-Userland server via FTP, it'll upstream everything.

Here's what it says in my radio:

Maximum file size: 1024K

File types accepted: xml, html, htm, opml, txt, text, rss, ftsc, fttb, ftmb, ftds, ftop, root, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, ico, doc, xls, pdf, ppt, css, js, wav, swf, zip, sit, hqx, gz, svg, xsl, xtm

So! It seems that no audio files like MP3 or Real Media is allowed. I wonder how many people decided to try audioblogging who got nailed by this. Dave could have mentioned it to me in his post! All of us Userland customers should petition (beg?) Dave to allow audio files to be uploaded!

By the way, Harold, I like how you made the audioblog... With that device you could make comments while you're driving home from work or while taking a hike or something. It's very cool... Now that I'm blogging regularly, I see cool things and I think to myself "ooh, I'll have to mention that in my blog later..." all the time.

Dave! Update root! Radio users want to AudioBlog! ;-)


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