Too Much of a Good Thing

Anyone who's seen the MiniBlog code knows that it's a mess - a zillion MySQL queries, no connection pooling etc. This actually, hasn't been a problem. Until now. Now that I have two weblogs that are moderately (!) popular, the server is becoming unstable. John has had to up several parameters on my VM in order to keep me running - but I think this is because of my sloppy coding more than my traffic.

The outage the other day was because of a wacky domino-effect power outage that had nothing to do with me. But last night's problems was because my shitty code is beating the hell out of the MySQL db and it finally rebelled and stopped working. So that means I've got to go in and do some cleanup and add basic cacheing, etc...

Not a big deal, but just a heads up. Maybe I'll get around to publishing all this once I get it looking nicer...


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