
I am completely astounded by the generosity of people who know me and read this blog. Yesterday's post was a complete Hail Mary as I was staring a very big bounced check in the face... Thanks to over two dozen donators small and big (and huge!) I've covered my rent check and the rest is going to be used to make sure my car doesn't get repossessed again, and other pretty important bills. You've all helped make up almost a month's advertising earnings overnight. I'm absolutely awestruck.

I feel like a complete moron for getting this far into the red, and am trying to think of the proper way thank everyone for saving my bacon. Until I come up with something better, here's a big THANK YOU right here and now. I also realize that I am *lucky as hell* that I've got such great friends and readers and that I need to get my shit together in a big way, so I hope to do that very soon and not let you guys down.

Thanks again everyone!


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