Miker Joins Mowser!



I'm happy to announce the Mike Rowehl has decided to partner up with me and join Mowser full time! Miker's final day at AdMob was last week, and after mulling over some other positions (with salaries and everything), he decided to throw his lot in with me as a co-founder of Mowser. I'm very, very excited to have Miker on board!

In addition to helping me with the technical parts of the site, Mike is going to be diving head-long into "bizdev" sorts of things like partnerships, advertising opportunities, and seeking funding to keep the lights on as we grow the site. He's already set up a bunch of meetings for the next month, and has started emailing contacts, etc. We've put together a deck for funding, so if you're interested definitely drop Mike a line at his new email: mike@mowser.com.

This is a huge step for Mowser - it should be a real blast in the months to come!

Welcome Miker!


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