Holiday Schedule


I'm soooo busy it's insane. At least I finished my Christmas shopping this morning - almost missing a meeting at work to do it... but it's done! Whew!

Okay, so I take off tomorrow to visit my big brother David in Garden Grove, which should be really fun. The first big road trip for Ana, Alex and I since we came to the U.S. We're going to pack up the VUE with all the stuff and head on down to SoCal. My sister-in-law's family whom we're going to be spending the day with all speak Spanish, so Ana will be able to relax on that front, and I haven't seen my bro in over a year, so it should be really great.

Dave's been saving my bike down at his house and a bunch of boxes and books from my old apartment as well (Learning Java 1.1 anyone?) so I'm going to grab all that as well while we're down there and we'll also hopefully be able to visit Disneyland so Alex can check out the Winnie the Pooh section. The picture above is from a week or so ago when Alex took his first ride on a Merry Go Round (taken with my wife's T616). He was a bit nervous at first since Mom was waiting on the side and she disappeared for a few seconds, but once he got the idea that she'd be coming back every few moments he really liked it. Hopefully there'll be some nice kids rides like that for a 19-month-old at the big D. It should make for a good first American Christmas for my wife and kid.

(Disclaimer: I normally loathe and despise all things Disney. Except that when you have a kid, Disneyland is kinda cool. I guess I just hate 'Corporate Disney' - the monstrousity that's out to brainwash our children and reap profits by stealing copyrighted materials and never letting go of their own.)

Anyways, we'll be coming back during the weekend and I doubt there'll be much time for posting between now and then, though unlike last year, I'll definitely be close to an internet connection the entire time. So in case I don't post anything profound, have a happy holiday!


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